
Sportopedia Glossary



Ethnicity refers to the unique qualities of a particular
group of people, which helps the group to identify
itself. Such qualities might include culture, religion,
language, and family dynamics. Chappell (2002) distinguished
ethnicity from race by stating that ethnicity “is
not based on genetically determined physical traits such
as skin color, hair type, eye shape, and lip thickness,
but on a common cultural background.” However, the
terms ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ are frequently used interchangeably.
This position has been largely supported
by the popular press (Polley, 1998).
To emphasize the distinction between ethnicity and
race, Thomas and Dyall (1999) and Chappell (2002)
offered that an individual from one race might grow up
and learn the language, religion, family values, and culture
of another race. As a result, the individual would
share the ethnicity of the second race regardless of his/
her racial characteristics (e.g., eye shape, skin color, or
physical size).
In sport psychology, the term ‘ethnicity’ has not been
used as per the definition provided. It is used either
interchangeably with race (e.g., Ram, Starek, &
Johnson, 2004) or as a one aspect of ethnicity—namely
culture or cultural identity. This can be observed in the
textbook, Cultural Sport Psychology (Schinke &
Hanrahan, 2009). Some current examples are: culture
and self-talk, communication, team cohesion, and goaldirected
behavior, to name a few examples.