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Top 10 Reasons Why Children Find Physical Activity to Be Fun

If one were to survey 100 elementary physical education teachers and coaches for the top three reasons they think children stay active and interested in physical activity, chances are that “fun” would make the majority (if not all!) of their lists. Results from research conducted with youth (as well as from teachers’ practical knowledge) has revealed that fun or enjoyment (i.e., positive affective responses encompassing feelings such as pleasure and liking; Scanlan & Lewthwaite, 1986) is a critical “must-have” if physical educators want children to voluntarily engage in physical activity (Woods, Graber, & Bolton, 2009). Conversely, it is also known (again, from both research and practical perspectives) that a lack of fun is one of the main reasons why children elect to opt out of physical activity (Crane & Temple, 2015; Visek et al., 2015).