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On roads traveled and journeys ahead for IRSS

Now entering its 47th year of publication, the International Review for the Sociology of Sport is the oldest and most international of the scholarly journals devoted to the study of sport, culture, and society. While over the years we have consistently endeavored to publish the strongest and most engaging scholarly work on sport, IRRS has always been a journal committed to changing things for the better. As ISSA’s membership has expanded and the capability to view sport in cultural context has increased, IRRS has become more interdisciplinary and open to diverse strategies that will advance understanding. More recently, as we sought to widen our reach and to improve the professionalism of producing our publication, ISSA and IRSS entered into a publication partnership with SAGE Publications. SAGE and its London staff have contributed mightily to the improvement in our production processes, enabling scholars to have their work see the light of day quickly through publishing OnlineFirst, even if there was a backlog for that research to appear in our print edition.